“I’m not sure when my entrepreneurial bug kicked in, but I do remember sitting in front of the T.V. in my early 20’s watching Oprah Winfrey interview Sarah Blakely, the creator of Spanx. I was immediately inspired by her story of the corporate grind to riches. Sarah took $6K and turned a great idea, hard work, and ingenuity into a multi-million dollar empire. The irony was that I didn’t need her product then (although that has changed – lol), but if she could do it, so could I”.
–Sana’ (Rasul) Walker, Chief Girlfriend & Entrepreneur
If you’re still reading this, it’s likely you have or will eventually set up your HR consultancy with the idea of having a high-paying career where executives turn to you for help with their company’s most elusive yet critical function – Human Resources.
Human resources consultants are respected and relied upon in every industry, like other business consultants. How do you tap into that? What can you do to make your consultancy bulletproof and ensure a never-ending stream of companies and individuals seeking your services?
Join this 3-part Group Coaching series facilitated by Saná (Rasul) Walker, Chief HR Girlfriend, and learn real, actionable tips to level up your business immediately.
Session 1 (11/29/22): Sana’ will help you uncover how to create revenue streams, with or without clients. Structure your HR consultancy to make six figures, year over year. Imagine replacing your corporate salary within the first year of running your business full-time. Diversify! Diversify! Diversify!
Session 2 (12/06/22): Learn Sana’s trusted system for earning $20K+ per month with less than 5 HR consulting clients. This system serves as one of Sana’s revenue streams, collectively helping her earn more than $250K in the first nine months of 2021.
Session 3 (12/13/22): Ask Sana’ anything! You’ll have an opportunity to benefit from Sana’s 10+ years of entrepreneurial and Human Resources experience in a session dedicated to picking her brain.
Who should enroll for Group Coaching?
Financial Investment
Time Investment
Please note that we don’t make any guarantees about the results of the information applied on HRGirlfriends.com. We share educational and informational resources that are intended to help you succeed in your career and business. You need to know that your ultimate success or failure will result from your efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable circumstances beyond our knowledge and control. No one representing HR Girlfriends is a lawyer or certified public accountant; this should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should seek appropriate counsel for your situation.