The CyberSAFE Readiness training enables employees, consultants, and key stakeholders of any organization to identify many of the common risks associated with using conventional end-user technology. Delivered in a 1-hour on demand format, CyberSAFE also prepares learners to earn their Certified CyberSAFE credential.
Show the C-Suite that you understand what keeps them up at night while adding value to your resume.
This course is designed for non-technical end-users of computers, mobile devices, networks, and the internet. Students will identify many of the common risks involved in using technology, as well as how to use it safely, to protect themselves and their organizations from those risks.HR departments are often the target for phishing attacks seeking employee Personal Identifying Information (PII).
HR professionals are immersed in a course that takes them through the essentials of identifying the need to improve organizational security and safely protect themselves. CyberSAFE builds on an understanding of how we interact with computers, mobile devices, networks, and the Internet. The course is delivered in a collaborative environment where open discussions are encouraged.
 1.00 HR (General)
The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institutes (HRCI) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
1 hour (inclusive of the time required to complete the Certified CyberSAFE credential process).
The CyberSAFE Readiness training enables consultants, members, and employees of any organization to identify many of the common risks associated with using conventional end-user technology. Delivered in a half-day (1 hours) or less, Cyber- SAFE also prepares learners to earn their Certified CyberSAFE credential.
Identify Security Compliance Requirements, Recognize Social Engineering
Maintain Physical Security of Devices, Use Passwords for Security, Protect Your Data, Identify and Mitigate Malware, Use Wireless Devices Securely
Browse the Web Safely, Use Email Securely, Use Social Networking Securely, Use Cloud Services Securely
CyberSAFE allows organizations to increase their security posture quickly and with minimal investment by ensuring that end-users are equipped with the knowledge necessary to be good stewards of their organizations’ data.
This course is designed for non-technical end-users of computers, mobile devices, networks, and the Internet, enabling employees of any organization to use technology more securely to minimize digital risks.
Students will identify many of the common risks involved in using conventional end-user technology, as well as ways to use it safely, to protect themselves and their organizations from those risks.
Each student will receive a certificate of success once they have completed the course.
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